path: root/tests/
diff options
authorTavian Barnes <>2024-05-07 15:42:46 -0400
committerTavian Barnes <>2024-05-07 15:42:46 -0400
commit452d6697e0f92326ab139eed4eadd9c2fd8b55ca (patch)
tree0feeb3722dcf6debb6c33c5175342bf1d70a1dba /tests/
parenta4299f9bc1d3e60a7e628561e8d650c2a241e1c2 (diff)
parentc5cf2cf90834f2f56b2940d2a499a1a614ebfd21 (diff)
Merge branch 'main' into find2fdfind2fd
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3bd88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+# Copyright © Tavian Barnes <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
+## Running test cases
+# Beginning/end of line escape sequences
+# Update $EOL for the terminal size
+update_eol() {
+ # Bash gets $COLUMNS from stderr, so if it's redirected use tput instead
+ local cols="${COLUMNS-}"
+ if [ -z "$cols" ]; then
+ cols=$(tput cols 2>/dev/tty)
+ fi
+ # Put the cursor at the last column, then write a space so the next
+ # character will wrap
+ EOL=$'\e['"${cols}G "
+# ERR trap for tests
+debug_err() {
+ local ret=$? line func file
+ callers | while read -r line func file; do
+ if [ "$func" = source ]; then
+ debug "$file" $line "${RED}error $ret${RST}" >&$DUPERR
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+# Source a test
+source_test() (
+ set -eE
+ trap debug_err ERR
+ if ((${#MAKE[@]})); then
+ # Close the jobserver pipes
+ exec {READY_PIPE}<&- {DONE_PIPE}>&-
+ fi
+ cd "$TMP"
+ source "$@"
+# Run a test
+run_test() {
+ if ((VERBOSE_ERRORS)); then
+ source_test "$1"
+ else
+ source_test "$1" 2>"$TMP/$TEST.err"
+ fi
+ ret=$?
+ if ((${#MAKE[@]})); then
+ # Write one byte to the done pipe
+ printf . >&$DONE_PIPE
+ fi
+ case $ret in
+ 0)
+ if ((VERBOSE_TESTS)); then
+ color printf "${BOL}${GRN}[PASS]${RST} ${BLD}%s${RST}\n" "$TEST"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ color printf "${BOL}${CYN}[SKIP]${RST} ${BLD}%s${RST}\n" "$TEST"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if ((!VERBOSE_ERRORS)); then
+ cat "$TMP/$TEST.err" >&2
+ fi
+ color printf "${BOL}${RED}[FAIL]${RST} ${BLD}%s${RST}\n" "$TEST"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return $ret
+# Count the tests running in the background
+# Run a test in the background
+bg_test() {
+ run_test "$1" &
+ ((++BG))
+# Reap a finished background test
+reap_test() {
+ ((BG--))
+ case "$1" in
+ 0)
+ ((++passed))
+ ;;
+ ((++skipped))
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ((++failed))
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Wait for a background test to finish
+wait_test() {
+ local pid
+ wait -n -ppid
+ ret=$?
+ if [ -z "${pid:-}" ]; then
+ debug "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" $((LINENO - 3)) "${RED}error $ret${RST}" >&$DUPERR
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ reap_test $ret
+# Wait until we're ready to run another test
+wait_ready() {
+ if ((${#MAKE[@]})); then
+ # We'd like to parse the output of jobs -n, but we can't run it in a
+ # subshell or we won't get the right output
+ jobs -n >"$TMP/jobs"
+ while read -r job status ret foo; do
+ case "$status" in
+ Done)
+ reap_test 0
+ ;;
+ Exit)
+ reap_test $ret
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done <"$TMP/jobs"
+ # Read one byte from the ready pipe
+ read -r -N1 -u$READY_PIPE
+ elif ((BG >= JOBS)); then
+ wait_test
+ fi
+# Run make as a co-process to use its job control
+comake() {
+ coproc {
+ # We can't just use std{in,out}, due to
+ #
+ exec {DONE_PIPE}<&0 {READY_PIPE}>&1
+ exec "${MAKE[@]}" -s \
+ -f "$TESTS/" \
+ "${!TEST_CASES[@]}" \
+ </dev/null >/dev/null
+ }
+ # coproc pipes aren't inherited by subshells, so dup them
+ exec {READY_PIPE}<&${COPROC[0]} {DONE_PIPE}>&${COPROC[1]}
+# Run all the tests
+run_tests() {
+ if ((VERBOSE_TESTS)); then
+ BOL=''
+ elif ((COLOR_STDOUT)); then
+ # Carriage return + clear line
+ BOL=$'\r\e[K'
+ # Workaround for bash 4: checkwinsize is off by default. We can turn it
+ # on, but we also have to explicitly trigger a foreground job to finish
+ # so that it will update the window size before we use $COLUMNS
+ shopt -s checkwinsize
+ (:)
+ update_eol
+ trap update_eol WINCH
+ fi
+ passed=0
+ failed=0
+ skipped=0
+ ran=0
+ total=${#TEST_CASES[@]}
+ TEST_FMT="${BOL}${YLW}[%3d%%]${RST} ${BLD}%s${RST}${EOL}"
+ else
+ TEST_FMT="."
+ fi
+ if ((${#MAKE[@]})); then
+ comake
+ fi
+ # Turn off set -e (but turn it back on in run_test)
+ set +e
+ for TEST in "${TEST_CASES[@]}"; do
+ wait_ready
+ if ((STOP && failed > 0)); then
+ break
+ fi
+ percent=$((100 * ran / total))
+ color printf "$TEST_FMT" $percent "$TEST"
+ mkdir -p "$TMP/$TEST"
+ OUT="$TMP/$TEST.out"
+ bg_test "$TESTS/$"
+ ((++ran))
+ done
+ while ((BG > 0)); do
+ wait_test
+ done
+ printf "${BOL}"
+ if ((passed > 0)); then
+ color printf "${GRN}[PASS]${RST} ${BLD}%3d${RST} / ${BLD}%d${RST}\n" $passed $total
+ fi
+ if ((skipped > 0)); then
+ color printf "${CYN}[SKIP]${RST} ${BLD}%3d${RST} / ${BLD}%d${RST}\n" $skipped $total
+ fi
+ if ((failed > 0)); then
+ color printf "${RED}[FAIL]${RST} ${BLD}%3d${RST} / ${BLD}%d${RST}\n" $failed $total
+ exit 1
+ fi
+## Utilities for the tests themselves
+# Default return value for failed tests
+# Fail the current test
+fail() {
+ exit $EX_FAIL
+# Return value when a test is skipped
+# Skip the current test
+skip() {
+ if ((VERBOSE_SKIPPED)); then
+ caller | {
+ read -r line file
+ printf "${BOL}"
+ debug "$file" $line "" >&$DUPOUT
+ }
+ fi
+ exit $EX_SKIP
+# Run a command and check its exit status
+check_exit() {
+ local expected="$1"
+ local actual=0
+ shift
+ "$@" || actual=$?
+ ((actual == expected))
+# Run a command with sudo
+bfs_sudo() {
+ if ((${#SUDO[@]})); then
+ "${SUDO[@]}" "$@"
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# Get the inode number of a file
+inum() {
+ ls -id "$@" | awk '{ print $1 }'
+# Set an ACL on a file
+set_acl() {
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin)
+ chmod +a "$(id -un) allow read,write" "$1"
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD)
+ if (($(getconf ACL_NFS4 "$1") > 0)); then
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw::allow" "$1"
+ else
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw" "$1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ setfacl -m "u:$(id -un):rw" "$1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Print a bfs invocation for --verbose=commands
+bfs_verbose() {
+ if ((VERBOSE_COMMANDS)); then
+ (
+ # Close some fds to make room for the pipe,
+ # even with extremely low ulimit -n
+ exec >&- {DUPERR}>&-
+ exec >&$DUPOUT {DUPOUT}>&-
+ color bfs_verbose_impl "$@"
+ )
+ fi
+bfs_verbose_impl() {
+ printf "${GRN}%q${RST}" "${BFS[0]}"
+ if ((${#BFS[@]} > 1)); then
+ printf " ${GRN}%q${RST}" "${BFS[@]:1}"
+ fi
+ local expr_started=0 color
+ for arg; do
+ case "$arg" in
+ -[A-Z]*|-[dsxf]|-j*)
+ color="${CYN}"
+ ;;
+ \(|!|-[ao]|-and|-or|-not|-exclude)
+ expr_started=1
+ color="${RED}"
+ ;;
+ \)|,)
+ if ((expr_started)); then
+ color="${RED}"
+ else
+ color="${MAG}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -?*)
+ expr_started=1
+ color="${BLU}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if ((expr_started)); then
+ color="${BLD}"
+ else
+ color="${MAG}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ printf " ${color}%q${RST}" "$arg"
+ done
+ printf '\n'
+# Run the bfs we're testing
+invoke_bfs() {
+ skip
+ bfs_verbose "$@"
+ local ret=0
+ # Close the logging fds
+ "${BFS[@]}" "$@" {DUPOUT}>&- {DUPERR}>&- || ret=$?
+ # Allow bfs to fail, but not crash
+ if ((ret > 125)); then
+ exit $ret
+ else
+ return $ret
+ fi
+if command -v unbuffer &>/dev/null; then
+ UNBUFFER=unbuffer
+elif command -v expect_unbuffer &>/dev/null; then
+ UNBUFFER=expect_unbuffer
+# Run bfs with a pseudo-terminal attached
+bfs_pty() {
+ test -n "${UNBUFFER:-}" || skip
+ bfs_verbose "$@"
+ local ret=0
+ "$UNBUFFER" bash -c 'stty cols 80 rows 24 && "$@" </dev/null' bash "${BFS[@]}" "$@" || ret=$?
+ if ((ret > 125)); then
+ exit $ret
+ else
+ return $ret
+ fi
+# Create a directory tree with xattrs in scratch
+make_xattrs() {
+ cd "$TEST"
+ "$XTOUCH" normal xattr xattr_2
+ ln -s xattr link
+ ln -s normal xattr_link
+ case "$UNAME" in
+ Darwin)
+ xattr -w bfs_test true xattr \
+ && xattr -w bfs_test_2 true xattr_2 \
+ && xattr -s -w bfs_test true xattr_link
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD)
+ setextattr user bfs_test true xattr \
+ && setextattr user bfs_test_2 true xattr_2 \
+ && setextattr -h user bfs_test true xattr_link
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Linux tmpfs doesn't support the user.* namespace, so we use the security.*
+ # namespace, which is writable by root and readable by others
+ bfs_sudo setfattr -n security.bfs_test xattr \
+ && bfs_sudo setfattr -n security.bfs_test_2 xattr_2 \
+ && bfs_sudo setfattr -h -n security.bfs_test xattr_link
+ ;;
+ esac
+## Snapshot testing
+# Return value when a difference is detected
+# Detect colored diff support
+if diff --color /dev/null /dev/null &>/dev/null; then
+ DIFF="diff --color"
+ DIFF="diff"
+# Sort the output file
+sort_output() {
+ sort -o "$OUT" "$OUT"
+# Diff against the expected output
+diff_output() {
+ local GOLD="$TESTS/$TEST.out"
+ if ((UPDATE)); then
+ cp "$OUT" "$GOLD"
+ elif ! cmp -s "$GOLD" "$OUT"; then
+ $DIFF -u "$GOLD" "$OUT" >&$DUPERR
+ fi
+# Run bfs, and diff it against the expected output
+bfs_diff() {
+ local fd
+ if ! fd=$("${BFS[@]}" "$@"); then
+ skip
+ fi
+ local ret=0
+ eval "$fd" >"$OUT" || ret=$?
+ sed -i 's|/$||' "$OUT"
+ sort_output
+ diff_output || exit $EX_DIFF
+ return $ret