#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright © Tavian Barnes <tavianator@tavianator.com> # SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD # Prints the "ground truth" coloring of a path using ls set -e function parse_ls_colors() { for key; do local -n var="$key" if [[ "$LS_COLORS" =~ (^|:)$key=(([^:]|\\:)*) ]]; then var="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" # Interpret escapes var=$(printf "$var" | sed $'s/\^\[/\033/g; s/\\\\:/:/g') fi done } function re_escape() { # https://stackoverflow.com/a/29613573/502399 sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' <<<"$1" } rs=0 lc=$'\033[' rc=m ec= no= parse_ls_colors rs lc rc ec no : "${ec:=$lc$rs$rc}" strip="(($(re_escape "$lc$no$rc"))?($(re_escape "$ec")|$(re_escape "$lc$rc")))+" function ls_color() { # Strip the leading reset sequence from the ls output ls -1d --color "$@" | sed -E "s/^$strip([a-z].*)$strip/\4/; s/^$strip//" } L= if [ "$1" = "-L" ]; then L="$1" shift fi DIR="${1%/*}" if [ "$DIR" = "$1" ]; then ls_color "$1" exit fi BASE="${1##*/}" ls_color $L "$DIR/" | tr -d '\n' if [ -e "$1" ]; then (cd "$DIR" && ls_color $L "$BASE") else (cd "$DIR" && ls_color "$BASE") fi