/**************************************************************************** * bfs * * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Tavian Barnes <tavianator@tavianator.com> * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. * * * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * ****************************************************************************/ /** * The expression optimizer. Different optimization levels are supported: * * -O1: basic logical simplifications, like folding (-true -and -foo) to -foo. * * -O2: dead code elimination and data flow analysis. struct opt_facts is used * to record data flow facts that are true at various points of evaluation. * Specifically, struct opt_facts records the facts that must be true before an * expression is evaluated (state->facts), and those that must be true after the * expression is evaluated, given that it returns true (state->facts_when_true) * or false (state->facts_when_true). Additionally, state->facts_when_impure * records the possible data flow facts before any expressions with side effects * are evaluated. * * -O3: expression re-ordering to reduce expected cost. In an expression like * (-foo -and -bar), if both -foo and -bar are pure (no side effects), they can * be re-ordered to (-bar -and -foo). This is profitable if the expected cost * is lower for the re-ordered expression, for example if -foo is very slow or * -bar is likely to return false. * * -O4/-Ofast: aggressive optimizations that may affect correctness in corner * cases. The main effect is to use facts_when_impure to determine if any side- * effects are reachable at all, and skipping the traversal if not. */ #include "opt.h" #include "color.h" #include "ctx.h" #include "diag.h" #include "eval.h" #include "expr.h" #include "pwcache.h" #include "util.h" #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> static char *fake_and_arg = "-a"; static char *fake_or_arg = "-o"; static char *fake_not_arg = "!"; /** * A contrained integer range. */ struct range { /** The (inclusive) minimum value. */ long long min; /** The (inclusive) maximum value. */ long long max; }; /** Compute the minimum of two values. */ static long long min_value(long long a, long long b) { if (a < b) { return a; } else { return b; } } /** Compute the maximum of two values. */ static long long max_value(long long a, long long b) { if (a > b) { return a; } else { return b; } } /** Constrain the minimum of a range. */ static void constrain_min(struct range *range, long long value) { range->min = max_value(range->min, value); } /** Contrain the maximum of a range. */ static void constrain_max(struct range *range, long long value) { range->max = min_value(range->max, value); } /** Remove a single value from a range. */ static void range_remove(struct range *range, long long value) { if (range->min == value) { if (range->min == LLONG_MAX) { range->max = LLONG_MIN; } else { ++range->min; } } if (range->max == value) { if (range->max == LLONG_MIN) { range->min = LLONG_MAX; } else { --range->max; } } } /** Compute the union of two ranges. */ static void range_union(struct range *result, const struct range *lhs, const struct range *rhs) { result->min = min_value(lhs->min, rhs->min); result->max = max_value(lhs->max, rhs->max); } /** Check if a range contains no values. */ static bool range_is_impossible(const struct range *range) { return range->min > range->max; } /** Set a range to contain no values. */ static void set_range_impossible(struct range *range) { range->min = LLONG_MAX; range->max = LLONG_MIN; } /** * Types of ranges we track. */ enum range_type { /** Search tree depth. */ DEPTH_RANGE, /** Group ID. */ GID_RANGE, /** Inode number. */ INUM_RANGE, /** Hard link count. */ LINKS_RANGE, /** File size. */ SIZE_RANGE, /** User ID. */ UID_RANGE, /** The number of range_types. */ RANGE_TYPES, }; /** * A possibly-known value of a predicate. */ enum known_pred { /** The state is impossible to reach. */ PRED_IMPOSSIBLE = -2, /** The value of the predicate is not known. */ PRED_UNKNOWN = -1, /** The predicate is known to be false. */ PRED_FALSE = false, /** The predicate is known to be true. */ PRED_TRUE = true, }; /** Make a predicate known. */ static void constrain_pred(enum known_pred *pred, bool value) { if (*pred == PRED_UNKNOWN) { *pred = value; } else if (*pred == !value) { *pred = PRED_IMPOSSIBLE; } } /** Compute the union of two known predicates. */ static enum known_pred pred_union(enum known_pred lhs, enum known_pred rhs) { if (lhs == PRED_IMPOSSIBLE) { return rhs; } else if (rhs == PRED_IMPOSSIBLE) { return lhs; } else if (lhs == rhs) { return lhs; } else { return PRED_UNKNOWN; } } /** * Types of predicates we track. */ enum pred_type { /** -readable */ READABLE_PRED, /** -writable */ WRITABLE_PRED, /** -executable */ EXECUTABLE_PRED, /** -acl */ ACL_PRED, /** -capable */ CAPABLE_PRED, /** -empty */ EMPTY_PRED, /** -hidden */ HIDDEN_PRED, /** -nogroup */ NOGROUP_PRED, /** -nouser */ NOUSER_PRED, /** -sparse */ SPARSE_PRED, /** -xattr */ XATTR_PRED, /** The number of pred_types. */ PRED_TYPES, }; /** * Data flow facts about an evaluation point. */ struct opt_facts { /** The value ranges we track. */ struct range ranges[RANGE_TYPES]; /** The predicates we track. */ enum known_pred preds[PRED_TYPES]; /** Bitmask of possible file types. */ unsigned int types; /** Bitmask of possible link target types. */ unsigned int xtypes; }; /** Initialize some data flow facts. */ static void facts_init(struct opt_facts *facts) { for (int i = 0; i < RANGE_TYPES; ++i) { struct range *range = &facts->ranges[i]; range->min = 0; // All ranges we currently track are non-negative range->max = LLONG_MAX; } for (int i = 0; i < PRED_TYPES; ++i) { facts->preds[i] = PRED_UNKNOWN; } facts->types = ~0; facts->xtypes = ~0; } /** Compute the union of two fact sets. */ static void facts_union(struct opt_facts *result, const struct opt_facts *lhs, const struct opt_facts *rhs) { for (int i = 0; i < RANGE_TYPES; ++i) { range_union(&result->ranges[i], &lhs->ranges[i], &rhs->ranges[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < PRED_TYPES; ++i) { result->preds[i] = pred_union(lhs->preds[i], rhs->preds[i]); } result->types = lhs->types | rhs->types; result->xtypes = lhs->xtypes | rhs->xtypes; } /** Determine whether a fact set is impossible. */ static bool facts_are_impossible(const struct opt_facts *facts) { for (int i = 0; i < RANGE_TYPES; ++i) { if (range_is_impossible(&facts->ranges[i])) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < PRED_TYPES; ++i) { if (facts->preds[i] == PRED_IMPOSSIBLE) { return true; } } if (!facts->types || !facts->xtypes) { return true; } return false; } /** Set some facts to be impossible. */ static void set_facts_impossible(struct opt_facts *facts) { for (int i = 0; i < RANGE_TYPES; ++i) { set_range_impossible(&facts->ranges[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < PRED_TYPES; ++i) { facts->preds[i] = PRED_IMPOSSIBLE; } facts->types = 0; facts->xtypes = 0; } /** * Optimizer state. */ struct opt_state { /** The context we're optimizing. */ const struct bfs_ctx *ctx; /** Data flow facts before this expression is evaluated. */ struct opt_facts facts; /** Data flow facts after this expression returns true. */ struct opt_facts facts_when_true; /** Data flow facts after this expression returns false. */ struct opt_facts facts_when_false; /** Data flow facts before any side-effecting expressions are evaluated. */ struct opt_facts *facts_when_impure; }; /** Log an optimization. */ BFS_FORMATTER(3, 4) static bool debug_opt(const struct opt_state *state, int level, const char *format, ...) { assert(state->ctx->optlevel >= level); if (bfs_debug(state->ctx, DEBUG_OPT, "${cyn}-O%d${rs}: ", level)) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); cvfprintf(state->ctx->cerr, format, args); va_end(args); return true; } else { return false; } } /** Extract a child expression, freeing the outer expression. */ static struct expr *extract_child_expr(struct expr *expr, struct expr **child) { struct expr *ret = *child; *child = NULL; free_expr(expr); return ret; } /** * Negate an expression. */ static struct expr *negate_expr(struct expr *rhs, char **argv) { if (rhs->eval == eval_not) { return extract_child_expr(rhs, &rhs->rhs); } struct expr *expr = new_expr(eval_not, 1, argv); if (!expr) { free_expr(rhs); return NULL; } expr->rhs = rhs; return expr; } static struct expr *optimize_not_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr); static struct expr *optimize_and_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr); static struct expr *optimize_or_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr); /** * Apply De Morgan's laws. */ static struct expr *de_morgan(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr, char **argv) { bool debug = debug_opt(state, 1, "De Morgan's laws: %pe ", expr); struct expr *parent = negate_expr(expr, argv); if (!parent) { return NULL; } bool has_parent = true; if (parent->eval != eval_not) { expr = parent; has_parent = false; } assert(expr->eval == eval_and || expr->eval == eval_or); if (expr->eval == eval_and) { expr->eval = eval_or; expr->argv = &fake_or_arg; } else { expr->eval = eval_and; expr->argv = &fake_and_arg; } expr->lhs = negate_expr(expr->lhs, argv); expr->rhs = negate_expr(expr->rhs, argv); if (!expr->lhs || !expr->rhs) { free_expr(parent); return NULL; } if (debug) { cfprintf(state->ctx->cerr, "<==> %pe\n", parent); } if (expr->lhs->eval == eval_not) { expr->lhs = optimize_not_expr(state, expr->lhs); } if (expr->rhs->eval == eval_not) { expr->rhs = optimize_not_expr(state, expr->rhs); } if (!expr->lhs || !expr->rhs) { free_expr(parent); return NULL; } if (expr->eval == eval_and) { expr = optimize_and_expr(state, expr); } else { expr = optimize_or_expr(state, expr); } if (has_parent) { parent->rhs = expr; } else { parent = expr; } if (!expr) { free_expr(parent); return NULL; } if (has_parent) { parent = optimize_not_expr(state, parent); } return parent; } /** Optimize an expression recursively. */ static struct expr *optimize_expr_recursive(struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr); /** * Optimize a negation. */ static struct expr *optimize_not_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { assert(expr->eval == eval_not); struct expr *rhs = expr->rhs; int optlevel = state->ctx->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { if (rhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, 1, "constant propagation: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, &expr_false); free_expr(expr); return &expr_false; } else if (rhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, 1, "constant propagation: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, &expr_true); free_expr(expr); return &expr_true; } else if (rhs->eval == eval_not) { debug_opt(state, 1, "double negation: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, rhs->rhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &rhs->rhs); } else if (expr_never_returns(rhs)) { debug_opt(state, 1, "reachability: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, rhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->rhs); } else if ((rhs->eval == eval_and || rhs->eval == eval_or) && (rhs->lhs->eval == eval_not || rhs->rhs->eval == eval_not)) { return de_morgan(state, expr, expr->argv); } } expr->pure = rhs->pure; expr->always_true = rhs->always_false; expr->always_false = rhs->always_true; expr->cost = rhs->cost; expr->probability = 1.0 - rhs->probability; return expr; } /** Optimize a negation recursively. */ static struct expr *optimize_not_expr_recursive(struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { struct opt_state rhs_state = *state; expr->rhs = optimize_expr_recursive(&rhs_state, expr->rhs); if (!expr->rhs) { goto fail; } state->facts_when_true = rhs_state.facts_when_false; state->facts_when_false = rhs_state.facts_when_true; return optimize_not_expr(state, expr); fail: free_expr(expr); return NULL; } /** Optimize a conjunction. */ static struct expr *optimize_and_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { assert(expr->eval == eval_and); struct expr *lhs = expr->lhs; struct expr *rhs = expr->rhs; const struct bfs_ctx *ctx = state->ctx; int optlevel = ctx->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { if (lhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, 1, "conjunction elimination: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, rhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->rhs); } else if (rhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, 1, "conjunction elimination: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, lhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); } else if (lhs->always_false) { debug_opt(state, 1, "short-circuit: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, lhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); } else if (lhs->always_true && rhs == &expr_false) { bool debug = debug_opt(state, 1, "strength reduction: %pe <==> ", expr); struct expr *ret = extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); ret = negate_expr(ret, &fake_not_arg); if (debug && ret) { cfprintf(ctx->cerr, "%pe\n", ret); } return ret; } else if (optlevel >= 2 && lhs->pure && rhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, 2, "purity: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, rhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->rhs); } else if (lhs->eval == eval_not && rhs->eval == eval_not) { return de_morgan(state, expr, expr->lhs->argv); } } expr->pure = lhs->pure && rhs->pure; expr->always_true = lhs->always_true && rhs->always_true; expr->always_false = lhs->always_false || rhs->always_false; expr->cost = lhs->cost + lhs->probability*rhs->cost; expr->probability = lhs->probability*rhs->probability; return expr; } /** Optimize a conjunction recursively. */ static struct expr *optimize_and_expr_recursive(struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { struct opt_state lhs_state = *state; expr->lhs = optimize_expr_recursive(&lhs_state, expr->lhs); if (!expr->lhs) { goto fail; } struct opt_state rhs_state = *state; rhs_state.facts = lhs_state.facts_when_true; expr->rhs = optimize_expr_recursive(&rhs_state, expr->rhs); if (!expr->rhs) { goto fail; } state->facts_when_true = rhs_state.facts_when_true; facts_union(&state->facts_when_false, &lhs_state.facts_when_false, &rhs_state.facts_when_false); return optimize_and_expr(state, expr); fail: free_expr(expr); return NULL; } /** Optimize a disjunction. */ static struct expr *optimize_or_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { assert(expr->eval == eval_or); struct expr *lhs = expr->lhs; struct expr *rhs = expr->rhs; const struct bfs_ctx *ctx = state->ctx; int optlevel = ctx->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { if (lhs->always_true) { debug_opt(state, 1, "short-circuit: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, lhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); } else if (lhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, 1, "disjunctive syllogism: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, rhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->rhs); } else if (rhs == &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, 1, "disjunctive syllogism: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, lhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); } else if (lhs->always_false && rhs == &expr_true) { bool debug = debug_opt(state, 1, "strength reduction: %pe <==> ", expr); struct expr *ret = extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); ret = negate_expr(ret, &fake_not_arg); if (debug && ret) { cfprintf(ctx->cerr, "%pe\n", ret); } return ret; } else if (optlevel >= 2 && lhs->pure && rhs == &expr_true) { debug_opt(state, 2, "purity: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, rhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->rhs); } else if (lhs->eval == eval_not && rhs->eval == eval_not) { return de_morgan(state, expr, expr->lhs->argv); } } expr->pure = lhs->pure && rhs->pure; expr->always_true = lhs->always_true || rhs->always_true; expr->always_false = lhs->always_false && rhs->always_false; expr->cost = lhs->cost + (1 - lhs->probability)*rhs->cost; expr->probability = lhs->probability + rhs->probability - lhs->probability*rhs->probability; return expr; } /** Optimize a disjunction recursively. */ static struct expr *optimize_or_expr_recursive(struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { struct opt_state lhs_state = *state; expr->lhs = optimize_expr_recursive(&lhs_state, expr->lhs); if (!expr->lhs) { goto fail; } struct opt_state rhs_state = *state; rhs_state.facts = lhs_state.facts_when_false; expr->rhs = optimize_expr_recursive(&rhs_state, expr->rhs); if (!expr->rhs) { goto fail; } facts_union(&state->facts_when_true, &lhs_state.facts_when_true, &rhs_state.facts_when_true); state->facts_when_false = rhs_state.facts_when_false; return optimize_or_expr(state, expr); fail: free_expr(expr); return NULL; } /** Optimize an expression in an ignored-result context. */ static struct expr *ignore_result(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { int optlevel = state->ctx->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { while (true) { if (expr->eval == eval_not) { debug_opt(state, 1, "ignored result: %pe --> %pe\n", expr, expr->rhs); expr = extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->rhs); } else if (optlevel >= 2 && (expr->eval == eval_and || expr->eval == eval_or || expr->eval == eval_comma) && expr->rhs->pure) { debug_opt(state, 2, "ignored result: %pe --> %pe\n", expr, expr->lhs); expr = extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); } else { break; } } if (optlevel >= 2 && expr->pure && expr != &expr_false) { debug_opt(state, 2, "ignored result: %pe --> %pe\n", expr, &expr_false); free_expr(expr); expr = &expr_false; } } return expr; } /** Optimize a comma expression. */ static struct expr *optimize_comma_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { assert(expr->eval == eval_comma); struct expr *lhs = expr->lhs; struct expr *rhs = expr->rhs; int optlevel = state->ctx->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 1) { lhs = expr->lhs = ignore_result(state, lhs); if (expr_never_returns(lhs)) { debug_opt(state, 1, "reachability: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, lhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); } else if ((lhs->always_true && rhs == &expr_true) || (lhs->always_false && rhs == &expr_false)) { debug_opt(state, 1, "redundancy elimination: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, lhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->lhs); } else if (optlevel >= 2 && lhs->pure) { debug_opt(state, 2, "purity: %pe <==> %pe\n", expr, rhs); return extract_child_expr(expr, &expr->rhs); } } expr->pure = lhs->pure && rhs->pure; expr->always_true = expr_never_returns(lhs) || rhs->always_true; expr->always_false = expr_never_returns(lhs) || rhs->always_false; expr->cost = lhs->cost + rhs->cost; expr->probability = rhs->probability; return expr; } /** Optimize a comma expression recursively. */ static struct expr *optimize_comma_expr_recursive(struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { struct opt_state lhs_state = *state; expr->lhs = optimize_expr_recursive(&lhs_state, expr->lhs); if (!expr->lhs) { goto fail; } struct opt_state rhs_state = *state; facts_union(&rhs_state.facts, &lhs_state.facts_when_true, &lhs_state.facts_when_false); expr->rhs = optimize_expr_recursive(&rhs_state, expr->rhs); if (!expr->rhs) { goto fail; } return optimize_comma_expr(state, expr); fail: free_expr(expr); return NULL; } /** Infer data flow facts about a predicate. */ static void infer_pred_facts(struct opt_state *state, enum pred_type pred) { constrain_pred(&state->facts_when_true.preds[pred], true); constrain_pred(&state->facts_when_false.preds[pred], false); } /** Infer data flow facts about an -{execut,read,writ}able expression. */ static void infer_access_facts(struct opt_state *state, const struct expr *expr) { if (expr->idata & R_OK) { infer_pred_facts(state, READABLE_PRED); } if (expr->idata & W_OK) { infer_pred_facts(state, WRITABLE_PRED); } if (expr->idata & X_OK) { infer_pred_facts(state, EXECUTABLE_PRED); } } /** Infer data flow facts about an icmp-style ([+-]N) expression. */ static void infer_icmp_facts(struct opt_state *state, const struct expr *expr, enum range_type type) { struct range *range_when_true = &state->facts_when_true.ranges[type]; struct range *range_when_false =& state->facts_when_false.ranges[type]; long long value = expr->idata; switch (expr->cmp_flag) { case CMP_EXACT: constrain_min(range_when_true, value); constrain_max(range_when_true, value); range_remove(range_when_false, value); break; case CMP_LESS: constrain_min(range_when_false, value); constrain_max(range_when_true, value); range_remove(range_when_true, value); break; case CMP_GREATER: constrain_max(range_when_false, value); constrain_min(range_when_true, value); range_remove(range_when_true, value); break; } } /** Infer data flow facts about a -gid expression. */ static void infer_gid_facts(struct opt_state *state, const struct expr *expr) { infer_icmp_facts(state, expr, GID_RANGE); const struct bfs_groups *groups = bfs_ctx_groups(state->ctx); struct range *range = &state->facts_when_true.ranges[GID_RANGE]; if (groups && range->min == range->max) { gid_t gid = range->min; bool nogroup = !bfs_getgrgid(groups, gid); constrain_pred(&state->facts_when_true.preds[NOGROUP_PRED], nogroup); } } /** Infer data flow facts about a -uid expression. */ static void infer_uid_facts(struct opt_state *state, const struct expr *expr) { infer_icmp_facts(state, expr, UID_RANGE); const struct bfs_users *users = bfs_ctx_users(state->ctx); struct range *range = &state->facts_when_true.ranges[UID_RANGE]; if (users && range->min == range->max) { uid_t uid = range->min; bool nouser = !bfs_getpwuid(users, uid); constrain_pred(&state->facts_when_true.preds[NOUSER_PRED], nouser); } } /** Infer data flow facts about a -samefile expression. */ static void infer_samefile_facts(struct opt_state *state, const struct expr *expr) { struct range *range_when_true = &state->facts_when_true.ranges[INUM_RANGE]; constrain_min(range_when_true, expr->ino); constrain_max(range_when_true, expr->ino); } /** Infer data flow facts about a -type expression. */ static void infer_type_facts(struct opt_state *state, const struct expr *expr) { state->facts_when_true.types &= expr->idata; state->facts_when_false.types &= ~expr->idata; } /** Infer data flow facts about an -xtype expression. */ static void infer_xtype_facts(struct opt_state *state, const struct expr *expr) { state->facts_when_true.xtypes &= expr->idata; state->facts_when_false.xtypes &= ~expr->idata; } static struct expr *optimize_expr_recursive(struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { int optlevel = state->ctx->optlevel; state->facts_when_true = state->facts; state->facts_when_false = state->facts; if (optlevel >= 2 && facts_are_impossible(&state->facts)) { debug_opt(state, 2, "reachability: %pe --> %pe\n", expr, &expr_false); free_expr(expr); expr = &expr_false; goto done; } if (!expr->rhs && !expr->pure) { facts_union(state->facts_when_impure, state->facts_when_impure, &state->facts); } if (expr->eval == eval_access) { infer_access_facts(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_acl) { infer_pred_facts(state, ACL_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_capable) { infer_pred_facts(state, CAPABLE_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_depth) { infer_icmp_facts(state, expr, DEPTH_RANGE); } else if (expr->eval == eval_empty) { infer_pred_facts(state, EMPTY_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_gid) { infer_gid_facts(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_hidden) { infer_pred_facts(state, HIDDEN_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_inum) { infer_icmp_facts(state, expr, INUM_RANGE); } else if (expr->eval == eval_links) { infer_icmp_facts(state, expr, LINKS_RANGE); } else if (expr->eval == eval_nogroup) { infer_pred_facts(state, NOGROUP_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_nouser) { infer_pred_facts(state, NOUSER_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_samefile) { infer_samefile_facts(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_size) { infer_icmp_facts(state, expr, SIZE_RANGE); } else if (expr->eval == eval_sparse) { infer_pred_facts(state, SPARSE_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_type) { infer_type_facts(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_uid) { infer_uid_facts(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_xattr) { infer_pred_facts(state, XATTR_PRED); } else if (expr->eval == eval_xtype) { infer_xtype_facts(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_not) { expr = optimize_not_expr_recursive(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_and) { expr = optimize_and_expr_recursive(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_or) { expr = optimize_or_expr_recursive(state, expr); } else if (expr->eval == eval_comma) { expr = optimize_comma_expr_recursive(state, expr); } if (!expr) { goto done; } struct expr *lhs = expr->lhs; struct expr *rhs = expr->rhs; if (rhs) { expr->persistent_fds = rhs->persistent_fds; expr->ephemeral_fds = rhs->ephemeral_fds; } if (lhs) { expr->persistent_fds += lhs->persistent_fds; if (lhs->ephemeral_fds > expr->ephemeral_fds) { expr->ephemeral_fds = lhs->ephemeral_fds; } } if (expr->always_true) { set_facts_impossible(&state->facts_when_false); } if (expr->always_false) { set_facts_impossible(&state->facts_when_true); } if (optlevel < 2 || expr == &expr_true || expr == &expr_false) { goto done; } if (facts_are_impossible(&state->facts_when_true)) { if (expr->pure) { debug_opt(state, 2, "data flow: %pe --> %pe\n", expr, &expr_false); free_expr(expr); expr = &expr_false; } else { expr->always_false = true; expr->probability = 0.0; } } else if (facts_are_impossible(&state->facts_when_false)) { if (expr->pure) { debug_opt(state, 2, "data flow: %pe --> %pe\n", expr, &expr_true); free_expr(expr); expr = &expr_true; } else { expr->always_true = true; expr->probability = 1.0; } } done: return expr; } /** Swap the children of a binary expression if it would reduce the cost. */ static bool reorder_expr(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr, double swapped_cost) { if (swapped_cost < expr->cost) { bool debug = debug_opt(state, 3, "cost: %pe <==> ", expr); struct expr *lhs = expr->lhs; expr->lhs = expr->rhs; expr->rhs = lhs; if (debug) { cfprintf(state->ctx->cerr, "%pe (~${ylw}%g${rs} --> ~${ylw}%g${rs})\n", expr, expr->cost, swapped_cost); } expr->cost = swapped_cost; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Recursively reorder sub-expressions to reduce the overall cost. * * @param expr * The expression to optimize. * @return * Whether any subexpression was reordered. */ static bool reorder_expr_recursive(const struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { bool ret = false; struct expr *lhs = expr->lhs; struct expr *rhs = expr->rhs; if (lhs) { ret |= reorder_expr_recursive(state, lhs); } if (rhs) { ret |= reorder_expr_recursive(state, rhs); } if (expr->eval == eval_and || expr->eval == eval_or) { if (lhs->pure && rhs->pure) { double rhs_prob = expr->eval == eval_and ? rhs->probability : 1.0 - rhs->probability; double swapped_cost = rhs->cost + rhs_prob*lhs->cost; ret |= reorder_expr(state, expr, swapped_cost); } } return ret; } /** * Optimize a top-level expression. */ static struct expr *optimize_expr(struct opt_state *state, struct expr *expr) { struct opt_facts saved_impure = *state->facts_when_impure; expr = optimize_expr_recursive(state, expr); if (!expr) { return NULL; } if (state->ctx->optlevel >= 3 && reorder_expr_recursive(state, expr)) { // Re-do optimizations to account for the new ordering *state->facts_when_impure = saved_impure; expr = optimize_expr_recursive(state, expr); if (!expr) { return NULL; } } return expr; } int bfs_optimize(struct bfs_ctx *ctx) { bfs_ctx_dump(ctx, DEBUG_OPT); struct opt_facts facts_when_impure; set_facts_impossible(&facts_when_impure); struct opt_state state = { .ctx = ctx, .facts_when_impure = &facts_when_impure, }; facts_init(&state.facts); ctx->exclude = optimize_expr(&state, ctx->exclude); if (!ctx->exclude) { return -1; } // Only non-excluded files are evaluated state.facts = state.facts_when_false; struct range *depth = &state.facts.ranges[DEPTH_RANGE]; constrain_min(depth, ctx->mindepth); constrain_max(depth, ctx->maxdepth); ctx->expr = optimize_expr(&state, ctx->expr); if (!ctx->expr) { return -1; } ctx->expr = ignore_result(&state, ctx->expr); if (facts_are_impossible(&facts_when_impure)) { bfs_warning(ctx, "This command won't do anything.\n\n"); } const struct range *depth_when_impure = &facts_when_impure.ranges[DEPTH_RANGE]; long long mindepth = depth_when_impure->min; long long maxdepth = depth_when_impure->max; int optlevel = ctx->optlevel; if (optlevel >= 2 && mindepth > ctx->mindepth) { if (mindepth > INT_MAX) { mindepth = INT_MAX; } ctx->mindepth = mindepth; debug_opt(&state, 2, "data flow: mindepth --> %d\n", ctx->mindepth); } if (optlevel >= 4 && maxdepth < ctx->maxdepth) { if (maxdepth < INT_MIN) { maxdepth = INT_MIN; } ctx->maxdepth = maxdepth; debug_opt(&state, 4, "data flow: maxdepth --> %d\n", ctx->maxdepth); } return 0; }