`bfs` ===== Breadth-first search for your files. `bfs` is a variant of the UNIX `find` command that operates [breadth-first](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search) rather than [depth-first](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search). It is otherwise intended to be [compatible](https://github.com/tavianator/bfs/issues/6) with GNU `find`. If you're not familiar with `find`, have a look at the [GNU find manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/findutils/manual/html_mono/find.html) to get acquainted first. Breadth vs. depth ----------------- The advantage of breadth-first over depth first search is that it usually finds the file(s) you're looking for faster. Imagine the following directory tree:
haystack ├── deep │ └── 1 │ └── 2 │ └── 3 │ └── 4 │ └── ... └── shallow └── needle`find` will explore the entire `deep` directory tree before it ever gets to the `shallow` one that contains what you're looking for.
$ find haystack haystack haystack/deep haystack/deep/1 haystack/deep/1/2 haystack/deep/1/2/3 haystack/deep/1/2/3/4 ... haystack/shallow haystack/shallow/needleOn the other hand, `bfs` lists files from shallowest to deepest, so you never have to wait for it to explore an entire unrelated subtree.
$ bfs haystack haystack haystack/deep haystack/shallow haystack/deep/1 haystack/shallow/needle haystack/deep/1/2 haystack/deep/1/2/3 haystack/deep/1/2/3/4 ...Easy ---- `bfs` tries to be easier to use than `find`, while remaining compatible. For example, `bfs` is less picky about where you put its arguments:
$ find -L -name 'needle' haystack find: paths must precede expression: haystack $ bfs -L -name 'needle' haystack haystack/needle $ find haystack -L -name 'needle' find: unknown predicate `-L' $ bfs haystack -L -name 'needle' haystack/needle $ find -L haystack -name 'needle' haystack/needle $ bfs -L haystack -name 'needle' haystack/needle`bfs` also adds some extra options that make some common tasks easier. Compare `bfs -nohidden` to `find -name '.?*' -prune -o -print`. Pretty ------ When `bfs` detects that its output is a terminal, it automatically colors its output with the same colors `ls` uses. This makes it easier to identify relevant files at a glance.  Try it! ------- To get `bfs`, download one of the [releases](https://github.com/tavianator/bfs/releases) or clone the [git repo](https://github.com/tavianator/bfs). Then run $ make This will build the `bfs` binary in the current directory. You can test it out: $ ./bfs -nohidden If you're interested in speed, you may want to build the release version instead: $ make clean $ make release Finally, if you want to install it globally, run $ sudo make install If you're on Arch Linux, `bfs` is available in the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/bfs/).