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`bfs` is a variant of the UNIX `find` command that operates [**breadth-first**]( rather than [**depth-first**]( It is otherwise compatible with many versions of `find`, including
**[POSIX]   •   [GNU]   •   [FreeBSD]   •   [OpenBSD]   •   [NetBSD]   •   [macOS]** [POSIX]: [GNU]: [FreeBSD]: [OpenBSD]: [NetBSD]: [macOS]:
If you're not familiar with `find`, the [GNU find manual]( provides a good introduction. Features --------
bfs operates breadth-first, which typically finds the file(s) you're looking for faster.

Imagine the following directory tree:
├── deep
│   └── 1
│       └── 2
│           └── 3
│               └── 4
│                   └── ...
└── shallow
    └── needle
`find` will explore the entire `deep` directory tree before it ever gets to the `shallow` one that contains what you're looking for. On the other hand, `bfs` lists files from shallowest to deepest, so you never have to wait for it to explore an entire unrelated subtree.
```console $ bfs haystack haystack haystack/deep haystack/shallow haystack/deep/1 haystack/shallow/needle ... ``` ```console $ find haystack haystack haystack/deep haystack/deep/1 haystack/deep/1/2 haystack/deep/1/2/3 haystack/deep/1/2/3/4 ... haystack/shallow haystack/shallow/needle ```
bfs tries to be easier to use than find, while remaining compatible.

For example, `bfs` is less picky about where you put its arguments:
```console $ bfs -L -name 'needle' haystack haystack/needle $ bfs haystack -L -name 'needle' haystack/needle $ bfs -L haystack -name 'needle' haystack/needle ``` ```console $ find -L -name 'needle' haystack find: paths must precede expression: haystack $ find haystack -L -name 'needle' find: unknown predicate `-L' $ find -L haystack -name 'needle' haystack/needle ```
bfs gives helpful errors and warnings.

For example, `bfs` will detect and suggest corrections for typos: ```console $ bfs -nam needle bfs: error: bfs -nam needle bfs: error: ~~~~ bfs: error: Unknown argument; did you mean -name? ``` `bfs` also includes a powerful static analysis to help catch mistakes: ```console $ bfs -print -name 'needle' bfs: warning: bfs -print -name needle bfs: warning: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ bfs: warning: The result of this expression is ignored. ```
bfs adds some options that make common tasks easier.

For example, the `-exclude` operator skips over entire subtrees whenever an expression matches. `-exclude` is both more powerful and easier to use than the standard `-prune` action; compare
$ bfs -name config -exclude -name .git
to the equivalent
$ find ! \( -name .git -prune \) -name config
As an additional shorthand, `-nohidden` skips over all hidden files and directories. See the [usage documentation](/docs/ for more about the extensions provided by `bfs`.
Installation ------------
bfs may already be packaged for your operating system.

Alpine Linux
# apk add bfs

Arch Linux
# pacman -S bfs

# apt install bfs

Fedora Linux
# dnf install bfs

# emerge sys-apps/bfs

GNU Guix
# guix install bfs

# nix-env -i bfs

Void Linux
# xbps-install -S bfs
$ brew install bfs

# port install bfs
# pkg install bfs

# pkg_add bfs
To build bfs from source, you may need to install some dependencies.

The only absolute requirements for building `bfs` are a C compiler, [GNU make](, and [Bash]( These are installed by default on many systems, and easy to install on most others. Refer to your operating system's documentation on building software. `bfs` also depends on some system libraries for some of its features. Here's how to install them on some common platforms:
Alpine Linux
# apk add acl{,-dev} attr libcap{,-dev} liburing-dev oniguruma-dev

Arch Linux
# pacman -S acl attr libcap liburing oniguruma

# apt install acl libacl1-dev attr libattr1-dev libcap2-bin libcap-dev liburing-dev libonig-dev

# dnf install acl libacl-devel attr libcap-devel liburing-devel oniguruma-devel

# nix-env -i acl attr libcap liburing oniguruma

Void Linux
# xbps-install -S acl-{devel,progs} attr-progs libcap-{devel,progs} liburing-devel oniguruma-devel

$ brew install oniguruma

# port install oniguruma6

# pkg install oniguruma
These dependencies are technically optional, though strongly recommended. See the [build documentation](/docs/ for how to disable them.
Once you have the dependencies, you can build bfs.

Download one of the [releases]( or clone the [git repo]( Then run $ ./configure $ make This will build the `./bin/bfs` binary. Run the test suite to make sure it works correctly: $ make check If you're interested in speed, you may want to build the release version instead: $ ./configure --enable-release $ make Finally, if you want to install it globally, run # make install